Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I can clearly see how my technical skills have progressed. Before this project I had never used Photoshop or InDesign before. At the beginning of the year I was very pleased with my School Magazine however looking at it now compared to my Music Magazine I see how much more I can achieve. For example my knowledge of InDesign has meant I was able to add, outer glows and drop shadows to make my cover lines stand out more. My knowledge of photoshop allowed my to change the colour of my background and enhance my models eyes. In between projects I also discovered how to download interesting fonts front the internet. allowed me to make my masthead and titles much more interesting. When doing my preliminary task I was not as familiar with conventions of magazines and techniques used to attract audiences. For example I haven't used any buzz words and the only image on the front cover is the main one. The headline doesn't stand out from the rest of the page and the image is unbalanced as there aren't any cover lines on the right hand third of the page. I have corrected all of those things in my final product, all the cover lines and headlines can be clearly seen, there is more than one image and the page has a good balance of text on each side.
The image I used for my school magazine was appropriate because it was aimed at sixth form students and therefore two young people will relate to them more easily. My music magazine also has an appropriate image for its genre therefore both images fulfil their purposes.
Overall my knowledge has increased greatly of both the use of the programs and of conventions of magazines. I have used these new skills to create a professional looking music magazine perfect for my target audience.

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

  • I used Photoshop for the first time during this course, I edited each of my photos changing background colour, cropping and perfecting images. 
  • Again I had not used InDesign before I started this project however I feel I have picked up a good knowledge of the program and have used it effectively to create a good quality magazine.
  • I used PowerPoint and Publisher to present my work and to annotate my own images and other magazine covers.
  • I then used Slide share to embed the powerpoints to my blog.
  • Having used Blogger before I found it helped with this project as I already had a basic understanding of how it worked.
  • After filming people's responses to my magazine I use Microsoft Movie Maker to edit them all together and then uploaded it to YouTube to embed on my blog.
  • I created a Flickr account to upload my photos too. I used the slideshow feature to effectively show all my photos on my blog without taking up too much space. I also used the notes tool to annotate my images to show editing.
  • Overall i have used and understood a wide range of new programmes, I have greatly increased my knowledge of internet and desktop based programs.
  • I used a desktop Mac whilst at school with all the necessary adobe programs on it. It took me a while to get used to the different operation system however I think I have go the hang of it now.
  • However I did most of my work on my Dell Inspiron Duo laptop.
  • I took my photos on a Fujifilm 12megapixle camera.
  • I filmed my peers responses to my magazine on a HD Flip Camera, which i have only used a few times before and found remarkably easy to use.
  • Finally I used a Kodak printer and scanner to scan my front cover flat plans onto my blog.

The use of modern technology has helped my greatly during this project. without the use of blogger I would have had to make paper copies of all my work and organise it all in a folder.
Without a digital camera I would have had to develop the film for the images and I wouldn't have been able to see if I got the image right away. Also the number of shots I could take would be limited to the size of the film.

Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Please click the images to view the annotations.
Cover! 4 by pandaemma11contents page by pandaemma11

double2 by pandaemma11

I asked three members of my target audience for feedback on my magazine, it was mainly positive however there were a few suggestions on how to improve it. Overall my magazine effectively attracts and appeals to my target audience.

Evaluation Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience is 15-25 year olds male and female. typically music lovers and festival goers. Shop in a variety of places highstreet/vintage shops looking for something individual maybe quirky but casual and not too over the top or flashy. Top to toe with accessories, hats, glasses bangles you name it. Tastes include local live music, backroom gigs and undiscovered talent at smaller intimate venues rather than large stadiums. Avid listeners to the Radio1 Live Lounge and Later with Jooles Holland. I pod filled with Ellie Goulding, Adele, Paulo Nutini, Bon Iver, Howie Day, Laura Marling and Joshua Radin. Love the summer and lazy afternoons in the park but equally enjoy a good night out with friends.

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My magazine UNPLUGGED has quite a specific target audience with a very particular taste in music. This particular gene is not commonly associated with teenagers and therefore would not be as popular as maybe a pop or a rock genre. For this reason i have decided to distribute my magazine on a smaller scale. Specialist music shops and online subscriptions would suit my magazine better because it is not popular enough to distribute globally in every newsagent and magazine stand. I have researched a few companies who specialise in small scale distribution. 

Oyster House Media is a specialist publishing company with only three magazines currently in distribution. However they publish Acoustic Magazine, a very similar magazine to mine. So I researched other similar companies.

 Acosutic MagazineBass Guitar Magazine Latest Issue

Anthem Publishing is a relatively new magazine publishing company. However it is also one of the most improving, on average the company has increased its sales 29% each year since it was formed in 2002. Anthem publishing launched its first magazine, Music Tech Magazine, in 2003. Since then the company has expanded into other markets for example home and holidays and food and health sectors. I believe this company would be interested in publishing my magazine as it is already responsible for a number of music magazines. Specialist music magazine such as guitar tech, which is very specifically aimed at people interested in guitars and recording.

Future plc also concentrate on specialist magazine genres. "Future is the biggest guitar publisher in the world and the biggest music-making publisher in both the US and the UK" Currently publishing Classic Rock, Guitar Techniques, Guitarist, Rhythm and Total Guitar. The company started in the UK in 1985 with one magazine, they now operate in the UK, USA and Australia creating 180+ specialist publications. "Future sells 3.2 million magazines each month" "Future sells 3.2 million magazines each month"

I believe Future plc would be the best company to publish my magazine. They have experience dealing with specialist genres and music magazines however they also have the resources to distribute nationally and even expand globally in the future.

Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have compared my images to images I found of Taylor Swift. Top two images are similar in that they are both close up/midshots they both have very soft colours and natural make up and hair. The camera is positioned at eye level for both of these images. This was important to me as I wanted to create a bond between the reader and the artist on the cover. Both images use warm colours Taylor Swift paler with more yellow and cream tones whereas Ellie's image uses deeper tones of redy orange in the background and brown hair.
The second two images are also very similar, the use of props is the same and the intense look of being lost in the music is the same.
Overall my images connote a happy yet mature and serious attitude to music with a friendly edge. I feel this is perfect for my target audience. Interested in music, festivals, calm relaxing nature but also having a good time.

Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1. Title of the Magazine
For the Masthead of my magazine I used Polar Shift font the swirling decorative pattern within the sans serif font adds delicacy to a bold blocked font. I used a light grey colour to stand out against the models hair and also because it fitted in with the other pastel colours in the background and of her clothes. My Masthead is quite unconventional for a music magazine in that it isn't brightly coloured or in your face. However the sans-serif font is very typical of a music magazine. You could compare my title to Mixmag
The circle detail over the "i" has a similar effect to my swirling pattern. Making it interesting without detracting from the boldness of the text. This masthead is also all one colour same as mine however mixmag often use brightly coloured backgrounds. However because my genre is acoustic the overall feel of the magazine is relaxed and calm a brightly coloured masthead would be out of place on my front cover that is why I have chosen muted colours and a delicate font.

2. Mis-en-scen of the images
It was important to me that my magazine come across as a serious music magazine, rather than a gossip/pop magazine. In order to attract my target audience the images had to represent a serious musical artist but also a fun happy teenager. In the large image on the double page the model is looking down at the guitar with an almost serene look on her face. This shows her to be serious about her music, absorbed in it. However in contrast in the smaller photo booth images on the opposite side she looks much more relaxed with her hands in her hair and laughing. I think all my images are quite conventional of music magazines as there is frequently a contrast between serious images and more fun ones this is in an attempt to show more than one side to the artist.

3. Costumes and props
The costumes i used throughout my photo shoot were very conventional of the acoustic genre. They were also conventional for my target audience. Light shades of pink and brown sometimes cream, subtle patterns and loose curls in her hair has a soft effect. Her hair and make up were very subtle creating a sense of natural and not artificial this links back to the type of music acoustic, unplugged, calm and natural. The only prop I used was an acoustic guitar again reflecting back to the acoustic genre. The costumes and props challenge the conventions of the most popular music magazine for example NME or Kerrang because the genre is very different.

4. People
My main model is relatively unconventional for a music magazine because she is very young, however she is attractive and stylish which is conventional of magazines. Also my target audience is 15-25 so my model will appeal to them better as the reader can relate to her and even aspire to be as successful as her. 15-25 year olds are much more interested in a young fun artist than an older serious musician. She represents a solo artist which is very conventional for acoustic and folk artists. 

5. Title font and style
I have used the same font for the mast head and the contents title, this is conventional of magazines to have the masthead on the contents page. For my masthead I have put a very thin black outline around it to define the pattern more. Also by adding a drop shadow the masthead is lifted from the page and is far more visible. For the title of my feature page I have used a completely new font. this is not conventional of a music magazine as they often use the same fonts throughout. However in this case I wanted it to stand out as being the most important story and so therefore it was necessary to use a different font.

6. Written Content
The content of my magazine maintains the conventions of a typical music magazine. I have included interviews, reviews, competitions and tailored my contents to my specific genre. In the interview I have stuck to a typical Question and Answer form. Questions include asking about albums, festival gigs, where her inspiration comes from, Brit awards (which the target audience will instantly recognise and associate with) and our musical icons. The standfirst is very conventional in introducing the artist, summing up her career so far and being generally flattering.