Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I can clearly see how my technical skills have progressed. Before this project I had never used Photoshop or InDesign before. At the beginning of the year I was very pleased with my School Magazine however looking at it now compared to my Music Magazine I see how much more I can achieve. For example my knowledge of InDesign has meant I was able to add, outer glows and drop shadows to make my cover lines stand out more. My knowledge of photoshop allowed my to change the colour of my background and enhance my models eyes. In between projects I also discovered how to download interesting fonts front the internet. allowed me to make my masthead and titles much more interesting. When doing my preliminary task I was not as familiar with conventions of magazines and techniques used to attract audiences. For example I haven't used any buzz words and the only image on the front cover is the main one. The headline doesn't stand out from the rest of the page and the image is unbalanced as there aren't any cover lines on the right hand third of the page. I have corrected all of those things in my final product, all the cover lines and headlines can be clearly seen, there is more than one image and the page has a good balance of text on each side.
The image I used for my school magazine was appropriate because it was aimed at sixth form students and therefore two young people will relate to them more easily. My music magazine also has an appropriate image for its genre therefore both images fulfil their purposes.
Overall my knowledge has increased greatly of both the use of the programs and of conventions of magazines. I have used these new skills to create a professional looking music magazine perfect for my target audience.

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