Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

  • I used Photoshop for the first time during this course, I edited each of my photos changing background colour, cropping and perfecting images. 
  • Again I had not used InDesign before I started this project however I feel I have picked up a good knowledge of the program and have used it effectively to create a good quality magazine.
  • I used PowerPoint and Publisher to present my work and to annotate my own images and other magazine covers.
  • I then used Slide share to embed the powerpoints to my blog.
  • Having used Blogger before I found it helped with this project as I already had a basic understanding of how it worked.
  • After filming people's responses to my magazine I use Microsoft Movie Maker to edit them all together and then uploaded it to YouTube to embed on my blog.
  • I created a Flickr account to upload my photos too. I used the slideshow feature to effectively show all my photos on my blog without taking up too much space. I also used the notes tool to annotate my images to show editing.
  • Overall i have used and understood a wide range of new programmes, I have greatly increased my knowledge of internet and desktop based programs.
  • I used a desktop Mac whilst at school with all the necessary adobe programs on it. It took me a while to get used to the different operation system however I think I have go the hang of it now.
  • However I did most of my work on my Dell Inspiron Duo laptop.
  • I took my photos on a Fujifilm 12megapixle camera.
  • I filmed my peers responses to my magazine on a HD Flip Camera, which i have only used a few times before and found remarkably easy to use.
  • Finally I used a Kodak printer and scanner to scan my front cover flat plans onto my blog.

The use of modern technology has helped my greatly during this project. without the use of blogger I would have had to make paper copies of all my work and organise it all in a folder.
Without a digital camera I would have had to develop the film for the images and I wouldn't have been able to see if I got the image right away. Also the number of shots I could take would be limited to the size of the film.

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